If you are an organization looking to ensure the wellness of your employees, head on over to the consultation tab to learn more about the services offered!

You shouldn't have to struggle with the culmination of stress from both work and your personal life? Perhaps your fear is that reaching out to get help will result in the loss of your job. So, rather than seek out help, you've been bottling things up and operating in survival mode. Allow me the opportunity to assist you with the building a life where you are thriving!
What I do is provide the confidentiality and anonymity to work on the things that have been preventing you from living to your full potential. While I work with ALL populations, I specialize in trauma, post-traumatic stress, moral injury, and grief/loss.
Most people don’t have to be in therapy for years. I use practices that are shown through research to be effective and evidence-based. Some involve talking while others, require not disclosing your trauma at all! They can be effective in as little as 2-3 hours!
Having been a first responder for over 18 years provides me the insight specific to the unique culture that first responders and their families function within. While being part of a military family myself, I have firsthand knowledge of the sacrifices made by everyone in the family, not just the service member. I am clinician that specializes working with first responders, medical professionals, therapists, and veterans & servicemembers. Additionally, I work with adolescents and adults (10+ years of age).
What would your life look like if your trauma didn't control you? What would be different?
I look forward to connecting with you. Contact me today!

Contact Me
I look forward to connecting with you. Contact me today!
I am located in the office of the Center for Trauma Recovery and Counseling Collective. We are in the located in the building on the northeast corner of Prairie St SW and Ivanrest Ave SW.

Critical Response
Counseling & Consulting LLC
Office Location:
3181 Prairie Street SW
Suite 101
Grandville, MI 49418
Mailing Address:
PO Box 80783
Lansing, MI 48908
Tel: (517) 329-3993